Karwa Chauth: A Special Day In The Life Of An Indian Married Woman

Karwa Chauth

Celebrated across the country, Karwa Chauth is one of the auspicious festivals that commemorates the beautiful, serene, and pure relationship between the husband and wife. Occupying great importance in the life of married women of India, this festival which is observed on 1st November of 2023 falls on the fourth day after Poornima, i.e; full moon in the month of Kartik as per the Hindu calendar. Also known as the Nirjala Vrat, this one-day festival includes a day-long fast by the married women which continues throughout the day until the moonrise.

This festival is observed by the women for the betterment, overall well-being, and happiness of their spouses. On this day, the mother-in-law offers Sargi to her daughter-in-law which consists of delicious sweets, parathas, curry, and many more edible items. Moreover, all the women on this day dress up in lovely clothes, draw mehndi on their hands, and enjoy the Sargi. This plate of Sargi featuring tasty and healthy eatables keeps the women energetic all day long.

Karva chauth

In the evening, all the women gather, read the Vrat Katha, chant mantras, and other holy scripts as well as pray for a prosperous and happy married life. Later on, these women take a glance at the moon through the sieve or the Channi, which is said to filter the negative emotions. Once the women take a glance at the Moon, they drink water from the Karwa, which is the mud pot, and break their fast.

To describe, there lies an important story behind Karwa Chauth. According to one story, there was a beautiful queen named Veervati who got married to a very handsome king. Veervati, who had 7 brothers, observed a strict fast in the first year of her marriage, which resulted in uneasiness due to hunger and thirst. On observing her uneasiness, all the brothers of Veervati created an image that showcased the risen moon, thereby leading to an end of the Vrat. On believing her brothers, Veervati broke the fast which resulted in the death of her husband.

On knowing the same Veervati while on her way home met Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati where Goddess Parvati cut her finger and asked Veervati to sprinkle the blood on her husband’s body. This then brought Veervati’s husband back to life.

From then on Veeravati observed the Vrat with great attention which reunited her husband and bloomed the love, care, and bond between them. And this is how the tradition of observing the Karwa Chauth Vrat began and is considered A Special Day In The Life Of An Indian Married Woman.

This festival, which is also observed by unmarried women, is also celebrated by many men or husbands who pray for a good life, abundance, and love towards the care of their wives. Celebrating sisterhood, friendship, and the bond of togetherness, Karwa Chauth also shares another story of Satyavan and Savitri. It so happened that on the death of Satyavan, Yama – the Lord of Death arrived at the place to take away the soul of the former.

Devastated Savitri, the wife of Satyavan, begged Yama not to take her husband’s soul with him, but Yama denied it. Full of anger, sadness, and disappointment, Savitri gave up food and water, which led Lord Yama to grant her a wish. Savitri wished to bring back her husband’s life, for which Yama had to agree.

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